5 ways to lose your weight

 5 Ways to lose your weight

Its not easy, but it is possible. If you have tried everything and still no success, here are some quick tips that will help you lose weight fast and safely.

1. Change your food habit

We all want something new every day. I don't mean going out all the time to eat a lot of different foods because you like doing that, it's just not for me. You should make sure you are enjoying what you drink or eat every single day. No one likes the same dishes every day! But making changes to what you put in your body can really help you shed some pounds. Make sure your meals are usually lighter than other days so that it doesn’t look as if you ate more than usual. I can see how much difference this can make when you realize you have been eating the wrong things. Try changing up your favorite foods to include lots of veggies along with those that are healthier. This way you not only enjoy the foods that are natural and healthy, you’re also eating foods that fill you up because they make you feel satisfied. That means you are giving yourself that extra boost of energy and feeling good about the food that you have chosen. Try using these recipes instead that are healthier ones and let me know what is your favourite recipe! Here are some ideas on how to change your eating habits and even lose weight fast.

2. Cut down on sugars.

Sugar is a compulsory part of our life.We need sugar for our muscles. In fact most of us prefer it over water. When it comes to eating, sugar can be tricky to resist. I mean it does not feel very good once it hits your stomach, which is why a lot of people cut it down. I did what they said you should do by cutting sugar out of my diet, as well as the rest of mine too. Now it looks like it might be harder to resist when I go for a salad because they are mostly high in calories, but I found it easy to resist in between some fruits and vegetables. My husband hates sugar because he finds it makes him sick, but I have to admit sometimes we don't consume enough sugar either. So although it looks scary, you have to give it a try for a while, before you get used to it.

3. Eat in small quantity

It helps to make sure the foods that are being served are not way bigger than you are actually using. Eating small portions help to control portions and it allows you to focus on what you are actually eating. I find it helpful to try to stop adding so much into the dish when that would make me feel full. Instead, try to start with one or two servings and work your way up till you are able to finish your meal right after you need some energy. The last thing that you want is to take a larger portion that you find too tempting and then forget about it. Remember that it takes a few seconds for that empty space feeling to hit your brain.

4. Move, move, movement!

Yes, exercise is important to keep you fit and happy. As simple as that. How often and how often and how much you exercise matters. I find that getting a bit lazy in the gym makes it hard to reach 10,000 calories worth of progress when I'm at home. I am a competitive person and I have to push myself to get as close to my goal as possible. For example, I go run three times a week and it gets me closer to 7,000 calories. On top of that, I do some dance classes as well. Not only does movement help to burn calories, but it makes a huge difference in overall health. Take it slow, start slowly, think long term, etc. Just remember to get moving even if you're stuck at home because it'll be awesome to see the results.

5. Do not take stress

Stress is one of the worst enemies of people and when it becomes a habit, it can destroy your mental health. Stress has many effects, but the main one, I think, is affecting the way that you feel about yourself. I started to notice that when I started to stress about myself or people around me, I felt a little worn out, very stressed out and I wasn't making any effort at all.
