
 Name of the story is Detective, written by Rabindranath Tagore and directed by Anurag Basu. This story consists of one episode and is part of the same series as Choker Bali and the season is called Stories by Rabindaranath Tagore. There is a detective who lives away from his family with his wife. One night he goes to his terrace and sees a suspicious person walking outside the street. He continuously notes his movements for a few nights and one day tracks him down to his house. Then the detective goes on a mission to find out about the boy and stays in the boy's house in after changing his appearance as his roommate. Staying with him reveals that the boy is a university student

But despite being on vacation, he did not go back to his home, thus the boy becomes more suspicious. The detective observes the movements of this suspicious person but cannot understand him because his personality is so deep. There is a woman in the detective's office, whom his wife suspects that detective have affair with her, and the detective starts taking her to the boy's house as his fiancee. The detective suspects that the boy may be related to a terrorist group and continues to expose him. One night he suspects that the guy is going to meet his terrorist friends tonight, so he takes his colleague along and raids his house and when he open the door there were only find his wife and the student there.

And from here the story takes a complete turnand one night destroys the entire life of this detective. Who was that boy? What was his wife doing there? And what happens that night? You will know all this just by watching this one episode. The level of this story can be judged from the fact that it is a Tagore's story and the name of anurag basu enough for how the story looks on the screen.

The website is mentioned below the blog from where you can download this Tagore's story Detective for free and from where you can download this season name Stories By Rabindranath Tagore for free.

You can download this bollywood Story Detective free from "famousbollywood"


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