Trees Of Peace

 The location is Rawanda and there is time when Hutu and Tutsi tribes are fighting. In this situation, a man whose wife is pregnant hides his wife in a small cell made in the kitchen of the house and there he bringing three more women, one of whom is a white girl from which appointed in rawanda by the UN. The second woman is a Nun and the third is a Tutsi when his own wife is Hutu. The person hides them and goes out and locks the cell.

Now the four women live in the same small cell, eat, drink and sleep there. After a few days, the man comes back hidden from the rioters and bring a little food, water and hope. The white girl has a classic literature book name Trees of Peace. That white girl teaches other women to read English that those has forgotten. They spends most of their time reading the book, which keeps their hope alive. they thinks of the bright future, thinks of the future of coming baby , thinks of his name, and paints on the walls pictures of the good days to come. In the midst of all this, when they hear the occasional outbursts of oppression, their hope of survival begins to fade. Sometimes they fight when the meal is over, sometimes they sit together again and hope for better days and so they spend about 80+ days in this cell and finally they are rescued from the brink of death when they are almost on the verge of death.

As you read this blog, you may wonder why two women belonging to the Hutu and Tutsi tribes are in the same cell when the Hutu and Tutsi tribes are fighting outside. I did not say this myself so as to create suspense in the film and you will know these secrets only by watching the film. Also, there is a little girl in this film who doesn't even have a scene, she is only mentioned but that girl plays an important role in saving the lives of these four women and the most important thing of this film is that This movie is based on True events. Yes, in fact during the Hutu and Tutsi wars four women spent about 3 months like this in a small sell.

Whatever genre of film you like, I can say with certainty that you will definitely like this film and it will impress you. Below the blog I am mentioning the website from where you can download Hollywood Movie Trees of Peace for free.

You Can download Trees of Peace from the website ""


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