The Photographer of Mauthausen is a wonderful film about brutality on Jews by germans. It's World War 2 when Hitler is killing Jews in gas chambers. The Photographer of Mauthausen is one of the few best films made on the Holocaust. 

The main character of this film is a Jew who knows how to use a camera. When Hitler's soldiers are oppressing the Jews, they keep taking pictures of all these events as evidence. This Jewish photographer develops a good relationship with a German soldier, which leads him to attend German soldiers' parties as a photographer. The photographer keep save the negatives of all the photographs. A time comes when the Germans begin to be defeated, the Germans want all the data of the pictures to be destroyed so that the world will not know about Hitler's atrocities, but the photographer hides many of these negatives so that they are not lost so that he can show the the world that how hitler was brutal to jews through these pictures and tell the world how jews suffer due to Hitler.

The photographer hides the negatives of the photographs but is unable to save them because the person escape with the negatives is captured and tortured to death by Germans. The photographer then finds another negative and hides it through a child. When the Germans are defeated and they flee, the photographer gets the negatives and through these pictures the world knows about the atrocities committed on the Jews. The film is based on true events and at the end of the film the actual photographs taken by the photographer are shown in this film and these pictures showing how Hitler oppressed the Jews. 

If you want to watch a movie about Hitler's atrocities on the Jews or World War 2, this movie The Photographer of Mauthausen will surely inspire you. The film also shows some scenes of the Holocaust, how the Jews were oppressed by Hitler. The movie is very good, you will not be bored at all, a must watch movie os Netflix name The Photographer of Mauthausen.


  1. πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

  2. Review taken with chalk on the blackboard.


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