Life Of Pi

 Do you want to watch a movie that will make you lose yourself in its environment ? A movie whose scenes will have a magical effect on you. A movie whose story will compel you to finish it in one sitting. If you want to watch any such movie, watch Life Of Pi. 

Life of Pi is a story of struggle which is the struggle of life. In this film Life of Pi, Star Irfan Khan is as the lead but most of the story takes place in flashbacks and he tells the story of his youth. Irfan Khan's family owns a zoo in India but his family thinks of migrating from India for some reasons and takes all their equipment and all the zoo animals and leaves for a sea voyage. On the way, a hurricane hits and everyone dies except Irfan Khan and three animals. Out of those three animals, only one tiger survives and stays with Irfan Khan till the end of the film. The story of the film is actually about the struggle of this life, how events happen in this journey, how one has to work hard sometimes to eat and sometimes to drink, and how at first Tiger is the enemy of Irfan Khan and Later how both adjust to each other for their survival. 

During the journey, they reach an island whose beauty can only be imagined, but Irfan Khan, through his intelligence, realizes that if he stays on the island, he will die, and he takes the tiger back and go on a sea voyage again. Now the same struggle starts again and there comes a time when both Irfan Khan and tiger come close to death and reach an island in an almost unconscious state where Irfan Khan is rescued but The tiger goes out into the forest and never comes back. 

The movie is very interesting and the scenes of the movie are so beautiful that you will get lost in these scenes. Life of Pi is a must watch movie.


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